Chapter 5 Admin Terminal Commands
CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide Version 4.0 Page 5-31
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.
show group
Displays the Trunk Numbers assigned to each Trunk Group.
show monids
From the AdminTerminal, you can display the currently configured IDs and
passwords using the “show monids” command.
Enter Command-> show monid
ClientID Password Caller ID (ANI)
-------- -------- ---------------
1234 5678 2035551212
9999 9999
Enter Command->
show ports
Displays trunk port related information. This command can be entered with
the rotate through switch (-r).
TpendTMO Count of Times NMS never acknowledged a Drop-
PrioDial Count of priority dials. (NOT AN ERROR)
PrioRisk Count of agents who went on-hook while in the wait
PrioFail Count of priority dial failures. An abandon of a pre-
viously abandoned call. (NOT A TSP ERROR)
Table 5-18: show errors.
Command Description
Table 5-19: show ports.
Command Description
TK# Trunk number.
S State: o = out of service, d = Digital Station, t = Third Party,
i = Inbound
G Group this trunk belongs to.
State Application State: IDLE DIAL PROG CONN HANG