Appendix A Troubleshooting
Page A-2 Version 4.0 CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.
Common Questions
1. Is there a way to reload the telephony boards without actually rebooting
the TSP?
Yes. Stop the TSP application (stoptsp). Then login to root and type
oamsys. Wait until it is finished, and restart the TSP application.
2. In the trunks configuration file, how should I set the “Wait1stDig” and
“WaitForDig” parameters?
The parameters apply only to T1 Robbed bit lines. (Not ISDN). For
basic configuration these values are assigned by the TSP Configuration
program. The settings depend on what they are connected to.
PSTN or PBX 1000 300
Adit 600 Channel Bank 0 0
VOIP Gateway 300 300
Wait1stDig The maximum time the Trunk Control Protocol waits for
the first DTMF digit to arrive before presenting the
inbound call to the TSP.
WaitForDig The maximum time the Trunk Control Protocol will wait
for subsequent DTMF digits before presenting the
inbound call to the TSP.
If other means of connecting to the TSP is implemented, these values may
need to be adjusted. These values represent the parameters for collecting
DNIS and ANI information.
Inbound Digital Stations Although the TSP does not need DNIS informa-
tion when connecting Digital Stations, the Trunk
Control Protocol will go through the motions
based in these parameters. This gives us some
control over how quickly we will answer the call
once presented with the inbound seizure. For
certain devices that may be used to connect to
the TSP, the inbound call will fail if we answer
too quickly.
3. How do I assign “Outbound Digital Agents” and Inbound Digital
All agents on the CPSEE_TSP500 are Digital Agents and have trunks
associated with them. The spans associated with the digital station trunks
are declared by placing a capitol D next to the span assignment in the
trunks.cnf file. (/usr/home/cpstsp/cps01/cfg/trunks.cnf)
Inbound Digital Agents are the default and require no other configura-
Outbound Digital Agents need to have their trunks assigned as such. This
is done via the keyword OUTBOUND_DIGITAL_TRUNKS in the
dialing rules file. (/usr/home/cpstsp/cps01/cfg/tsp.cnf).
Remember these are trunk
numbers NOT station num-