Chapter 5 Admin Terminal Commands
Page 5-40 Version 4.0 CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.
1 Emergency
1 Alert
1 Critical
1 Error
1 Warning
1 Notice
1 Information
0 Debug
1 Send Manual Dial Info to TspLogger
0 Allow ALL T1/E1 Alarms to TspLogger
0 Use Strict RFC 3164 message format
An additions purpose of the “syslog” command is to send a test message to
the syslogger.
syslog test
• The Debug bit is normally turned OFF. It is for engineering use, and
could flood the TspLogger with cryptic information meant for diagnostic
• “Allow ALL T1/E1 Alarms to TspLogger” is normally turned OFF. Nor-
mally the TspLogger will receive a de-bounced UP or DOWN message
indicating a T1 or E1 span is in trouble. If all the T1E1 errors are sent to
the TspLogger, it could flood the logger and make finding useful informa-
tion difficult
• “Use Strict RFC 3164 message format” is a matter of choice. If it is
turned on, the local time of the TSP sending the event will be logged.
This command allows data and audio monitoring of the specified trunk.
Syntax: tline <trunk number> [station number]
This is useful command to judge the effectiveness of the Voice and Answer-
ing Machine Detection. If entered without a station number, only text mes-