Chapter 3 Starting/Configuring TSP500
Page 3-6 Version 4.0 CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.
Modifying the ISDN Configuration
The ISDN Configuration tool permits the configuration of each ISDN span.
The tool can either configure each span separately or all spans at once when
there is no distinction between the spans.
Upon entering the ISDN Configurator three options are displayed: Edit,
View and Help.
q! or q Quit current edit session
x Deletes character at the cursor
dd Deletes current line
p Paste of line in deleted line buffer
<Esc> Breaks out of a character mode edit command
Table 3-1: Red Hat Linux VI Commands.
Command Description
See Also:
“Key Words of Dialing Rules”
on page 6-5 for a detail
description of the fields in this
Figure 3-3. Dialing Rules File Item.
Figure 3-4. Modify Configuration menu for ISDN.