Chapter 5 Admin Terminal Commands
CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide Version 4.0 Page 5-23
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.
QPORT (qp)
This command will display all Encore Voice Messages currently playing, and
the Stations or Trunks that are listening to the messages.
Exit the Admin_Terminal
Displays a Record Options mask similar to the “install” and “options” masks.
The appropriate bits can be modified to alter the behavior.
Enter Command-> recbits
NO_PORTS Number of times there were no DSPs were available to play a voice
message. Consistent counts may indicate a shortage of Encore Ports. A
TSP reconfiguration may be in order.
TRUNK QUEUE Current and Peak number trunks waiting for this voice message to
begin. When the message starts, it plays to all trunks simultaneously.
FLAGS Internal message flags.
0x0004 Message flagged for deletion.
0x0008 Message flagged to check if still exists.
DSPS Current and Peak number of DSPs used to play this message.
Total number of times this message was played. .
Table 5-10: QMSG Commands.
Command Description
It is not a count of the number of parties that this message was
played to. Remember, a single instance of a play can be con-
nected to multiple parties
Table 5-11: QPORT Command.
Command Description
DSP nth DSP that is being used to play the voice message.
MSG_NAME Encore Message Name. This should be the name of a file in the “/usr/vox”
directory or the “pmt” directory.
PORTS Stations or Trunks listening to this instance of the voice message. The Sta-
tions and Trunks are displayed as S<xxxx> or T<xxxx> where <xxxx> is the
actual station or trunk number.