Chapter 7 The TSP Configuration Tool
CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide Version 4.0 Page 7-21
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.
Whenever you save a new set of permanent configuration files, a backup
copy of the current set is saved prior to overwriting. A directory is created
containing the set of files and is named “cfg_<index number>_<date &
timestamp>.dir”. For example, a valid backup copy name would be
“cfg_3_110320031212.dir” which means that this backup copy has an index
of 3 and was created November 3, 2003 at 12:12 pm.
In addition to these directory names there may be other directories that have
been created to save a set of configuration files that were not immediately (or
ever) copied over the permanent configuration files. These directory names
are supplied by the person running the configuration tool, but they have a
“.dir” extension.
By selecting a directory to restore, the current set of configuration files is
overwritten with the files from the directory selected.
Once the files have been restored, you are asked if you would like to down-
load the configuration files. If you answer “y,” the cards are downloaded and
you are asked whether you would like to view the log file. As in the “Down-
load Configuration” section, it is important that you view this log file and
ensure no errors occurred. Search for “err,” “ERR,” or “fail.” If errors have
occurred, contact customer support or engineering because the system is not
in a good state and cannot run.