Chapter 6 Trunk Spans and Dialing Rules
Page 6-2 Version 4.0 CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.
Common Directory
A new configuration directory now contains files and directories for CPS
Enterprise Edition systems. The directory is located under the /opt directory
and is named ser (the only other directory under /opt is nms).
Table 6-1: Common Configuration directory.
cause.bin ISDN cause code assignments.
country A directory containing tone definition files for
the various countries supported by the TSP.
cfig_data.cnf Contains the current configuration of the
system created by the TSP Configuration
dnis.cfg Contains the Inbound default strategy.
inbmsg.tbl Contains a list of Encore messages used
when random timeout strategy is selected.
For internal use only.
isdn.cnf The ISDN Parameters created by the ISDN
Configuration Tool.
license.txt Contains the License Key.
music_db.cfg Contains the decibel levels for playing
Music-On-Hold file.
protocols.def Contains the currently supported protocols.
simin.txt Lists DNIS and ANI information for inbound
simulation. For internal use only.
syslog.cnf Configuration file for TSPlogger
tones.def Contains the tone parameters. Copied from
the country directory depending on the
country specified during TSP Configuration.
Trunks configuration file. This file is created
by the TSP Configuration Tool, and was for-
mally in the /usr/home/cpstsp/cfg directory.