Your Ultimate Protection. The final frontier for any possible threat to your computer
system. As virus detectionbased on code analysis hasnot always offered goodresults, BitDe-
fender hasimplemented behaviorbased protection, providingsecurity againstnewborn malware.
These arethe costs that organizations wantto avoid andwhat the securityproducts are designed
to prevent:
• Worm attacks
• Communication loss because of infected e-mails
• E-mail breakdown
• Cleaning and recovering systems
• Lost productivity experienced by end users because systems are not available
• Hacking and unauthorized access that causes damage
Some simultaneously developments and benefits can be accomplished by using the BitDe-
fender security suite:
• Increase network availability by stopping the spread of malicious code attacks (i.e., Nimda,
Trojan horses, DDoS).
• Protect remote users from attacks.
• Reduce administrative costs and deploys rapidly with BitDefender Enterprise management
• Stop the spreading of malware through e-mail, using a BitDefender e-mail protection at the
company's gateway.Temporarily orpermanently block unauthorized,vulnerable, andexpens-
ive application connections.
2.2. Data Security Division
Ever since the beginning, SOFTWIN's Data Security Division approached data protection in
a specificmanner, withthe first intelligentupdate, requiring nouser intervention, thefirst remote
antivirus management through WAP technology or the first Personal Firewall to be integrated
within an antivirus engine to provide complete response to today's complex security threats.
Born to provide full data security at all critical levels in today's business environment, Data
Security Division aims to ensure systems protection against computer viruses, to do antivirus
research, to develop new technologies for monitoring all possible ways to infect a system and,
last but not least, to educate the IT&C public on the danger of computer viruses.
BitDefender securitysolutions satisfy the protectionrequirements of today'sbusiness environ-
ment, enabling managementof all complex threatsthat endanger a network, froma small local
area to large multi-server, multi-platform WAN's.
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