daily.zip is released each day and it includes all the virus definitions and scan engines
updates since the last cumulative and up to the current date.
BitDefender uses a service-based architecture. Because of this the procedure to replace the
virus definitions is different depending on the operating system:
• Windows NT-SP6, Windows 2000, Windows XP.
• Windows 98, Windows Millennium.
Windows NT-SP6, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Steps to be followed:
1. Download the appropriate update. If it is Monday, please download the cumulative.zip
and saveit somewhere onyour disk whenprompted. Otherwiseplease download thedaily.zip
and save it on your disk.If this is the first time you update usingthe manual updates, please
download the both archives.
2. Stop BitDefender antivirus protection.
• Exit BitDefendermanagement console. Right-click BitDefender'sicon fromthe System
Tray and select Exit.
• Open Services. Click Start, then Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools
and click Services.
• Stop BitDefender VirusShield service. Select BitDefender VirusShield service from
the list and click Stop.
• Stop BitDefender Scan Server service. Select BitDefender Scan Server service from
the list and click Stop.
Extract the archive content. Start with cumulative.zip when both update archives are
available. Extract the content in the folder C:\Program Files\Common
Files\Softwin\BitDefender Scan Server\Plugins\ andaccept overwritingexisting
4. Restart BitDefender antivirus protection.
• Start BitDefender Scan Serverservice. Select BitDefender ScanServer service from
the list and click Start.
Update module