Automatic Update
If you are connected to the Internet through broadband or DSL, BitDefender takes care of this
itself. It checks for updates when you turn on your computer and every hour after that.
If an updatewas detected, dependingon the optionsset in theAutomatic update optionssection,
you will be asked to confirm the update or the update will be made automatically.
The automaticupdate can alsobe done anytimeyou want byclicking Update Now. This update
is also known as Update by user request.
The Update modulewill connect tothe BitDefender updateserver and will verifyif any update
is available. If an update was detected, depending on the options set in the Manual update
settings section, you will be asked to confirm the update or the update will be made automat-
It maybe necessaryto restartthe computerwhenyou havecompleted theupdate. Werecommend
doing it as soon as possible.
If you are connected to the Internet through adial-up connection, then it's a good idea to make it
a regular habit to update BitDefender by user request.
Update module