7.1.3. Other settings
Advanced users might want to take advantage of the scan-settings BitDefender offers. The
scanner can be set toskip file extensions, directories or archivesthat you know to be harmless.
Click Advanced >>> corresponding to Scan accessed files to explore these settings.
Virus Shield settings
Click the boxwith "+" to open anoption or the box
with "-" to close an option.
You can observe that some scan options, although
the "+" signappears, cannot beopened. The reason
is that these options weren't selected yet. You will
observe that ifyou select them,they can be opened.
• Scan accessed files and P2P transfers options - scans the accessed files and the commu-
nications through Instant Messaging Software applications (ICQ, NetMeeting, Yahoo Mes-
senger, MSN Messenger). Further on, select the type of the files you want to be scanned.
The following options are available:
All the accessedfiles will be scanned,regardless their type.Scan all files
Only the program files will be scanned. This means only
the files withthe following extensions:.exe; .bat; .com;
Scan program files only
.dll; .ocx; .scr; .bin; .dat;.386; .vxd; .sys;.wdm;
.cla; .class; .ovl; .ole; .exe; .hlp; .doc; .dot;
.xls; .ppt; .wbk; .wiz; .pot;.ppa; .xla; .xlt;.vbs;
.vbe; .mdb; .rtf;.htm; .hta;.html; .xml;.xtp; .php;
.asp; .js; .shs; .chm; .lnk; .pif; .prc; .url; .smm;
.pdf; .msi; .ini; .csc; .cmd; .bas; .eml and .nws.
Antivirus module