Step 2/9 - Start Time/Date
Start Time/Date
Select the scan frequency:
• Once - launches the scan only once, at a certain moment.
• Periodically - launches the scan periodically, at certain time intervals(hours, days, weeks,
months, years) starting with a specified date and time.
If you want the scan to be repeated after certain intervals, select the checkbox corresponding
to Periodically and type in the At every edit box the number of minutes/hours/days/weeks/
months/years you want to repeat this process.
Use the up/down arrows of this box in order to increase/decrease the number of minutes/hours/
Select the time interval - minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years - to which the scan be
If you made your option for a repeated scan, the event will be launched for an unlimited time-
period. Inorderto giveup theevent,it mustbe erasedfrom theeventslist ofthe Schedulerwindow.
If youwant to automaticallyclose thescan window ifno infected orsuspected fileswere found
during the scan process, select the checkbox corresponding to this option.
Click Back to go to the previous step or click Next to continue the wizard.
Antivirus module