Registry access control
For each application asmall expandable menu will
be created; it contains all the modifications to the
To delete a registry entry, just select it and click
Delete. To temporarily deactivate a registry entry
without deleting it,clear the checkboxcorrespond-
ing to it.
BitDefender will usually alert you when you install new programsthat need to run after the next
startup of your computer. In most cases, these programs are legitimate and can be trusted
7.1.2. Most important settings
To select an option, select the corresponding checkbox.
• Scan incoming email - scans all the incoming e-mail messages.
• Scan outgoing email - scans all the outgoing e-mail messages.
• Scan accessed files - scans all the accessed files.
• Show warning when a virus is found - opens an alert window when a virus is found in a
file or in an e-mail message.
For an infected file the alert window will contain the name of the virus, the path to it, the
action taken by BitDefender and a link to the BitDefender site where you can find more in-
formation about it. For an infected e-mail the alert window will contain also information
about the sender and the receiver.
In case a suspicious file is detected you can launch a wizard from the alert window that will
help you to send that file to the BitDefender Lab for further analysis. You can type in your
e-mail address to receive information regarding this report.
Antivirus module