Bucharest-based SOFTWINis the leading providerof complex softwaresolutions and services
in Romania.
SOFTWIN focuses on providing software solutions and services that enable fast growing
companies to solvecritical business challengesand to capitalizeon new business opportunities.
SOFTWIN enables companies to focus on their core business and expand to new markets, by
outsourcing non-core activities.
SOFTWIN employsover 500 highlyqualified professionals experiencedin developingcustom-
ized solutions and services.
Since its establishment in 1990, SOFTWIN's average annual revenue has increased by +30%.
SOFTWIN has 4 divisions, which also define the company's main business lines:
• Business Information Solutions
• eContent Solutions
• Data Security Solutions
SOFTWIN providesservices andsolutions to customersworldwide. Over90% of thecompany's
turnover is achieved from exports to the US and European Union.
Using cutting edge technologies, SOFTWIN successfully developed over 500 software devel-
opment projects,over 3,500 contentstructuring projects forinternational partners, havingover
43 million data security solutions users in 80 countries worldwide and more than 1,500,000
client calls handled annually for CRM services.
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