
11 MS6000-EU-EN V1.4 8/12
3.8 Manual Probe Compensation
Upon the first connection of a probe to an input channel, manually perform this adjustment to match the
probe to the input channel. Uncompensated probes may lead to errors or faults in measurement.
To adjust the probe compensation, follow the steps below.
1. Set the switch on the probe to 10X and connect the probe to Channel 1 on the oscilloscope. Attach
the probe tip to the PROBE COMP ~5V@1KHz connector and the reference lead to the PROBE
COMP Ground connector. Press CH1 button and set the Probe attenuation to 10X. Press the
AUTO button and you should see the 1 KHz reference signal.
2. Check the shape of the displayed waveform.
3. If necessary, use a nonmetallic screwdriver to adjust the variable probe capacitor until the shape of
the waveform appears to be the same as shown in the above figure. Repeat this step as necessary
for additional probes. Refer to the figure below for adjustment illustration.
Compensated correctly