22 MS6000-EU-EN V1.4 8/12
4.1.1 XY Format
The XY format is used to analyze phase differences, such as those represented by Lissajous patterns.
This format plots the voltage on CH1 against the voltage on CH2, where CH1 is the horizontal axis and
CH2 is the vertical axis. The oscilloscope uses the untriggered Normal acquisition mode and displays
data as dots. The sampling rate is fixed at 1 MS/s.
The oscilloscope can acquire waveforms in normal operation mode (YT format) at any sampling rate.
The same waveform can be displayed in XY format. To perform this operation, stop the acquisition and
change the display format to XY.
The table below covers several controls in XY format.
Controls Capability of XY format
CH1 VOLTS and VERTICAL POSITION controls Set the horizontal scale and position
Continuously set the vertical scale and
Reference or Math Unusable
Cursors Unusable
Auto (display format reset to normal operation - YT) Unusable
Time base controls Unusable
Trigger controls Unusable