28 MS6000-EU-EN V1.4 8/12
4. MATH MENU: Display the waveform math operations. See the table below for details.
The MATH menu contains source options for all math operations. Press the M/R button.
Operations Source Options Comments
Enable (F1)
ON enables the Math functions
CH1+CH2 Add Channel 1 to Channel 2.
Subtract the Channel 2 waveform from the Channel
1 waveform.
Subtract the Channel 1 waveform from the Channel
2 waveform.
CH1xCH2 Multiply CH1 with CH2
CH1/CH2 Divide CH1 by CH2
Operate (F2)
CH2/CH1 Divide CH2 by CH1
WINDOW (F4) – There are 5 types of window
settings available: Hanning, Flattop, Rectangular,
Bartlett, and Blackman
Zoom (F2 page 2): Use the FFT Zoom button to
adjust the window size.
Scale: x1, x2, x5, x10.
FFT (F2)
CH1 or CH2
Vertical Base (F3 page 2): dBrms or Vrms
Note: All selected menus are highlighted orange.