38 MS6000-EU-EN V1.4 8/12
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HF Reject
LF Reject
Noise Reject
AC: Blocks DC components and attenuates signals below 10Hz.
DC: Passes all components of the signal to the trigger circuit.
HF Reject: Attenuates the high-frequency components above 80kHz.
LF Reject: Blocks DC components and attenuates the low-frequency
components below 8kHz. Rejects power-line hum.
Noise Reject: S
imilar to DC coupling, except the sensitivity is
reduced to minimize false triggering on very noisy signals.
NOTE: Trigger coupling only affects the signal passed through the trigger system. It does not
affect the bandwidth or coupling of the signal displayed on the screen.
Video Trigger
Options Settings Comments
Video (F1) None
With Video highlighted, an NTSC, PAL or SECAM standard
video signal will be triggered. The trigger coupling is preset
to AC.
Source (F2)
Select the input source as the trigger signal.
Polarity (F3)
Normal: Triggers on the negative edge of the sync pulse.
Inverted: Triggers on the positive edge of the sync pulse.
Standard (F4) NTSC
Sync (F5)
All Lines
Line Number
Odd Field
Even Field
All Fields
Choose a proper video sync. When selecting Line Number
for the Sync option, use the User Select option to specify a
line number.
Note: With ‘Normal Polarity’, the trigger always occurs on negative-going sync pulses. If the
video signal contains positive-going sync pulses, use the Inverted Polarity option.