viii Programming Guide
4 Command Reference
Introduction 4-2
:ABORt Command 4-4
:CALCulate Subsystems 4-5
:CALCulate[1] Subsystem 4-7
:CALCulate[1]:MATH Subtree 4-9
:CALCulate2 Subsystem 4-11
:CALCulate2:LIMit Subtree 4-12
:CALCulate3 Subsystem 4-19
:CALCulate3:AVERage Subtree 4-19
:CALCulate3:LFILter Subtree 4-23
:CALibration Subsystem 4-26
:CALibration:SECurity Subtree 4-28
:CONFigure Subsystem 4-30
Device Clear 4-31
:DIAGnostic Subsystem 4-32
:DISPlay Subsystem 4-37
:FETCh Subsystem 4-40
:FORMat Subsystem 4-41
Group Execute Trigger (GET) 4-42
:HCOPy Subsystem 4-43
:INITiate Subsystem 4-44
:INPut[1|2] Subsystem 4-48
:INPut3 Subsystem 4-50
:MEASure Subsystem 4-51
Measurement Instructions (:CONFigure, :FETCh, :MEASure, :READ)
Using :MEAsure 4-75
Using :CONFigure with :READ? 4-76
Using :CONFigure with :INITiate and :FETCh? 4-76
Firmware Revision Work-Around Commands 4-77
:MEMory Subsystem 4-79
[:SENSe] Subsystem 4-80
[:SENSe]:EVENt[1|2] Subtree 4-80