Chapter 4 Command Reference
[:SENSe] Subsystem
4-80 Programming Guide
[:SENSe] Subsystem
The [:SENSe] subsystem commands are divided into several sections. Each
section or subtree deals with controls that directly affect
instrument-specific settings and not those related to the signal-oriented
[:SENSe]:DATA? [“[:]SENSe[1]”]
Queries the current measurement result data of the :SENSe subsystem (no scale or
offset applied).
If this query executes while a measurement is in progress, then the prior
measurement result will be returned, if the prior result has not been invalidated.
• Result will be formatted according to :FORMat[:DATA] ASCii | REAL
• When ASCii format is used, numeric data is transferred as ASCII bytes in
<NR3> format. The number of significant digits will range from 1 to 15
depending on the measurement resolution.
• If no valid result exists, Not a Number 9.91E37 is returned and error -230 is
• If this query is executed while an automatically armed Totalize measurement
is in progress, Not a Number 9.91E37 is returned and error -221 is
generated. :ABORt should be used to terminate the measurement and avoid
this error.
Query only.
[:SENSe]:EVENt[1|2] Subtree
This subtree defines the “trigger event.”
For Frequency, this is the event which is counted; for Time Interval, this is the
start/stop edge.
These trigger events are fed to the sensor function. In separate, the EVENt1
subtree is fed the INPut1 signal and the :EVENt2 subtree is fed the INPut2 signal;
in common, the INPut1 signal is fed to both the EVENt1 and :EVENt2 subtrees.
When you are measuring Voltage Peaks, none of the :SENSe:EVENt settings are
Query Response