Chapter 4 Command Reference
Programming Guide 4-11
:CALCulate2 Subsystem
This subsystem performs post-acquisition limit testing and data transfer.
Not until :CALCulate2:LIMit:STATe is set to ON will any of the :CALCulate2
settings be used.
:CALCulate2:FEED “[:]CALCulate[1]”
Sets or queries the data flow to be fed into the CALCulate2 block.
The string “CALC” is returned.
*RST: “CALCulate[1]”
This command is an event that causes the Counter to recalculate existing data
without re-acquiring data. (This recalculation also happens automatically when
any change is made to the :CALCulate[1|2] subsystems while
The only limit result that can be truly post-processed is :CALC2:LIM:FAIL?. The
limit counts (:CALC2:LIM:FCO and :CALC2:LIM:PCO) reflect measurements
that were limit-tested at time of data acquisition.
This command will not affect:
:CALC3: ...
This command causes post-processing to occur in the :CALCulate[1] subsystem,
as well as the :CALCulate2 subsystem.
Query Response