Chapter 4 Command Reference
Programming Guide 4-25
-9.9999990000E+12 to -1.0000000000E-13, 0.0000000000, +1.0000000000E-
13 to +9.9999990000E+12.
11 digits
Numeric data transferred as ASCII bytes in <NR3> format with eleven significant
• *RST: 0.0000000000
• This command couples :CALC2:LIM:UPP to the same value.
• Updating the upper limit value causes the limit counts (:CALC2:LIM:FCO,
:CALC2:LIM:PCO) to be cleared.
• The front panel menu item is not always able to display all of the significant
digits of this value. When this is the case, the displayed value is different from
the actual value in that the displayed value has been rounded. However, using
the front panel Enter key, while this value is in the 11-digit display, will
update the actual value to the displayed (rounded) value.
Queries the order in which CALCulate3 sub-blocks are to be processed.
For the Counter, this sequence is fixed to be LFILter followed by AVERage.
A sequence of ASCII-encoded bytes: LFIL, AVER
Query only.
Query Response
Query Response