Chapter 4 Command Reference
Programming Guide 4-19
:CALCulate3 Subsystem
This subsystem performs post-acquisition statistics computation and data transfer.
Not until :CALCulate3:LFILter:STATe is set to ON will any of the
:CALCulate3:LFILter settings be used.
Not until :CALCulate3:AVERage[:STATe] is set to ON will any of the
:CALCulate3:AVERage settings be used.
The statistics results are unaffected by post-processing invoked with
:CALCulate3:AVERage Subtree
This subtree collects together the commands associated with the statistics
The statistics results combine successive measurements to produce a composite
Not until :CALCulate3:AVERage[:STATe] is set to ON will any of one
:CALCulate3:AVERage settings be used.
This query returns all four statistics (i.e., mean , standard deviation, maximum ,
and minimum ).
Statistics should be enabled (:CALC3:AVER[:STATe] ON) before attempting to
query results.
• Numeric data transferred as ASCII bytes in <NR3> format.
The number of significant digits will range from 1 to 15, depending on the
measurement resolution.
• Numbers are separated by commas. The ordering of numbers within the
response is mean, standard deviation, minimum,
and maximum.
• If :CALC3:AVER[:STATe] is OFF, four comma-separated Not a Number
9.91E37 values are returned and error -221 is generated.
• If no valid result exists, four comma-separated Not a Number 9.91E37
values are returned and error -230 is generated.
Query Response