Chapter 4 Command Reference
Measurement Instructions (:CONFigure, :FETCh, :MEASure, :READ)
4-70 Programming Guide
Descriptions of the Measurement Functions—<function> (Cont.)
:MEASure[:SCALar][:VOLTage]:PHASe? [(@1),(@2)]
Measures Phase.
The measurement arming is coupled to “auto.”
The trigger settings are coupled so that both channels 1 and 2 have
auto-trigger enabled at 50% with a positive slope.
range: (@1), (@2)
default: (@1), (@2)
:MEASure[:SCALar][:VOLTage]:PTPeak? [(@1)|(@2)]
Measures Peak-to-Peak Voltage.
range: (@1) | (@2)
default: (@1)
:MEASure[:SCALar][:VOLTage]:PWIDth? [<reference>][,(@1)]
Measures Positive Pulse Width.
The measurement arming is coupled to “auto.”
The <reference> specifies the point on the pulse where the positive pulse width is
determined. This point can be specified as either a percentage or an absolute
voltage. The default units are percent.
The <reference> parameter is used to configure the trigger settings. When the
<reference> is specified as a percentage (or defaulted),
auto-trigger is enabled and auto-trigger levels are set to the specified (or defaulted)
reference value. When the <reference> is specified in volts, auto-trigger is disabled
and the absolute trigger levels are set to the specified reference value.