Chapter 4 Command Reference
Programming Guide 4-37
:DISPlay Subsystem
This subsystem controls the selection and presentation of textual information on
the Counter’s display. This information includes measurement results. :DISPlay is
independent of, and does not modify, how data is returned to the controller.
See the section titled “How to Program the Counter to Display Results” in Chapter
3 of this guide.
:DISPlay:ENABle <Boolean>
Sets or queries whether the whole display (text area, annunciators, and
indicators—with the exception of Remote and SRQ) is visible.
• Single ASCII-encoded byte, 0 or 1.
• A value of 0 indicates OFF; a value of 1 indicates ON.
• *RST: ON
• This value is unaffected by save/recall.
This command, which only allows the OFF parameter, disables the menu display.
When the menu display is disabled, the results display appears.
The query indicates whether the menu display or result display is enabled.
• Single ASCII-encoded byte, 0 or 1.
• A value of 0 indicates the menu display is disabled (the result display is
enabled). A value of 1 indicates the menu display is enabled (the result display
is disabled).
• To enable the menu display, use either the front-panel keys or the :SYST:KEY
• This value is unaffected by save/recall.
Query Response
Query Response