Transparency (OHP film)
Transparencies must be able to withstand the heat of printing. Transparencies must meet the following conditions.
To avoid problems, use the multi purpose tray for transparencies and load transparencies with the long side facing
the machine.
If transparencies jam frequently at output, try pulling the leading edge of sheets gently as they are ejected.
Before loading Hagaki into the multi purpose tray, fan them
and align the edges. If the Hagaki paper is curled, straighten
it before loading. Printing onto curled Hagaki may cause
Use unfolded Oufuku Hagaki (available at post offices).
Some Hagaki may still have rough edges developed by a
paper cutter on the back side. Remove any such rough edges
by placing the Hagaki on a flat surface and rubbing the edges
gently a few times with a ruler.
Criteria Specifications
Heat resistance Must withstand at least 190°C
Thickness 0.100 to 0.110 mm
Material Polyester
Dimensional accuracy ±0.7 mm
Squareness of corners 90° ±0.2°