Troubleshooting AP-4000/4000M/4900M User Guide
Recovery Procedures
Figure 7-1 Result of “show ip” CLI Command
6. Change the IP address and other network values using set and reboot CLI commands, similar to the example below
(use your own IP address and subnet mask). Note that IP Address Type is set to Dynamic by default. If you have a
DHCP server on your network, you should not need to manually configure the Access Point’s IP address; the Access
Point will obtain an IP address from the network’s DHCP server during boot-up.
After each entry the CLI reminds you to reboot; however wait to reboot until all commands have been entered.
[Device name]>
set ipaddrtype static
[Device name]> set ipaddr <IP Address>
[Device name]>
set ipsubmask <IP Subnet Mask>
[Device name]>
set ipgw <Default Gateway IP Address>
[Device name]>
show ip (to confirm your new settings)
[Device name]>
reboot 0
7. After the AP reboots, verify the new IP address by reconnecting to the CLI and enter a show ip command.
Alternatively, you can ping the AP from a network computer to confirm that the new IP address has taken effect.
8. When the proper IP address is set, use the HTTP interface or CLI over Telnet to configure the rest of the unit’s
operating parameters.