Command Line Interface (CLI) AP-4000/4000M/4900M User Guide
Parameter Tables
System Parameters
* Available only on APs with model numbers ending with -WD. When available, this object must be configured before any interface parameters
can be set.
Country Identifiers
NOTE: All countries may not be available on your AP.
Name Type Value Access CLI Parameter
System Group N/A R system
Name DisplayString User Defined RW sysname
Location DisplayString User Defined RW sysloc
Country Identifier* DisplayString See Country Identifiers
RW sysworldcountrycode
Contact Name DisplayString User Defined RW sysctname
Contact E-mail DisplayString User Defined RW sysctemail
Contact Phone DisplayString User Defined
max 254 characters
RW sysctphone
FLASH Backup Interval Integer 0 - 65535 seconds RW sysflashbckint
Flash Update 0
RW sysflashupdate
System OID DisplayString N/A R sysoid
Descriptor DisplayString System Name, flash
version, S/N, bootloader
R sysdescr
Up Time Integer dd:hh:mm:ss
dd - days
hh - hours
mm - minutes
ss - seconds
System Security ID DisplayString Retrieved from flash ID R sysinvmgmtsecurityid
Emergency Restore to
Resets all parameters to
default factory values
RW sysresettodefaults
Note: You must enter the
following command twice to
reset to defaults:
set sysresettodefaults 1
Country Indoor/Outdoor Identifier
Austria Indoor AT1
Outdoor AT2
Belgium Indoor BE1
Outdoor BE2
Cyprus Indoor CY1
Outdoor CY2
Czech Republic Indoor CZ1
Outdoor CZ2
Denmark Indoor DK1
Outdoor DK2
Estonia Indoor EE1
Outdoor EE2