5 SpeedTouch™ Web Interface
E-DOC-CTC-20040123-0001 v3.0
NAPT The Network Address and Port Translation (NAPT) page allows you to:
• View or add/delete specific static NAPT entries:
To add static NAPT entries proceed as follows:
1 Click New.
2 Specify the outside address and inside address for the entry as well as the
protocol and port to which the entry applies.
Note If the NAPT entry is applied to a connection's dynamically
assigned local peer IP address, you should specify as the
outside address.
3 Click Apply to add the entry to the table.
Instead of manually configuring the required NAPT entries, the NAPT Manager
allows you to configure the SpeedTouch™ NAPT entries semi-automatically,
simply by selecting the application, requiring these NAPT entries. For more infor-
mation, see “6 SpeedTouch™ NAPT Manager” on page 77.
• View or add/delete Multi-NAT entries:
Multi-NAT is also commonly known as Basic NAT (IETF).
To add Multi-NAT entries proceed as follows:
1 Click New.
2 Specify the inside address and put the desired range between brackets e.g.
10.0.0.[1-10]. Specify the outside address and interface.
3 Click Apply.