6 SpeedTouch™ NAPT Manager
E-DOC-CTC-20040123-0001 v3.0
• Manually add a static NAPT entries:
Click the Advanced tab. Select a protocol in the Protocol list and enter
Port and Host IP address in the appropriate fields.
By default, the IP address of the PC from which you are running the NAPT
Manager will be taken as host IP address. To add a NAPT entry for another
PC, you must change the proposed IP address.
• Specify a default server IP address:
Click the Default inbound host tab. Enter the new IP address in the Host
IP address field.
Click Set to add your entry to the list.
4 If all required entries are added click Next to save the new entries.
5 The NAPT Manager will update the SpeedTouch™ NAPT configuration. You can
follow the progress in following window: