C=Check or Clean at specified intervals
R=Replace at specified intervals
* Tire pressure: 20 psi (1.4 bar) maximum on all.
† Torque tire nuts after the first 10 hours and every 200 hours there after (64 to 74 ft/lb (87-100Nm))
§ Change Oil and Filter after first 5 hours.
¤ Clean more often under dusty conditions or when airborne debris is present , replace air cleaner parts, if very dirty.
£ Remove cooling shrouds and clean cooling areas more frequently under extremely dusty and dirty conditions.
‡ Gap .030 (.76 mm) Torque to 18-22 ft/lb (24-30 Nm)
** Replace hydraulic filter after first 20, 100, and every 250 thereafter.
The suggested maintenance checklist is not offered as a replacement for the manufacturer’s engine manual
but as a supplement. You must adhere to the guidelines established by the manufacturer for warranty cover-
age. In adverse conditions such as dirt, mud or extreme temperatures, maintenance should be more frequent.
As Required
100 Hours
200 Hours
250 Hours
300 Hours
400 Hours
Every 500 Hours/Yearly
§ Engine Oil
§ Engine Oil Filter
Engine for Leaks and Loose Parts
¤ Air Cleaner (Paper Element)
¤ Pre-Cleaner (Every 25 hours)
‡ Spark Plugs
Idle Speed
£ Air Cooling System
Belts and Hoses
* Tire Pressure
Fuel Level
Fuel Filter
Hydraulic Oil
**Hydraulic Oil Filter
Hydraulic System for Leaks and Loose Parts
Battery Electrolyte Level
Clean Battery Terminals
† Torque Lug Nuts
Lubricate splines on Hydrostatic Pump