
Before servicing or making adjustments to the machine, stop engine, set park break, block
wheels and remove key from ignition.
Follow all procedures and ONLY use parts prescribed by the manufacturer. Read the engine
manual before maintenance.
C=Check or Clean at specified intervals
R=Replace at specified intervals
* Tire pressure: 20 psi (1.4 bar) maximum on all.
† Torque tire nuts after the first 10 hours and every 200 hours there after (64 to 74 ft/lb (87-100Nm))
§ Change Oil and Filter after first 5 hours.
¤ Clean more often under dusty conditions or when airborne debris is present , replace air cleaner parts, if very dirty.
£ Remove cooling shrouds and clean cooling areas more frequently under extremely dusty and dirty conditions.
‡ Gap .030 (.76 mm) Torque to 18-22 ft/lb (24-30 Nm)
** Replace hydraulic filter after first 20, 100, and every 250 thereafter.
The suggested maintenance checklist is not offered as a replacement for the manufacturer’s engine manual
but as a supplement. You must adhere to the guidelines established by the manufacturer for warranty cover-
age. In adverse conditions such as dirt, mud or extreme temperatures, maintenance should be more frequent.
As Required
100 Hours
200 Hours
250 Hours
300 Hours
400 Hours
Every 500 Hours/Yearly
§ Engine Oil C R R R R R
§ Engine Oil Filter R R R
Engine for Leaks and Loose Parts C C C C C C
¤ Air Cleaner (Paper Element) C C C C C R
¤ Pre-Cleaner (Every 25 hours) C CCCCCR
‡ Spark Plugs R C C R
Idle Speed C C
£ Air Cooling System C C C C C C
Belts and Hoses C C C
* Tire Pressure C C C C C C
Fuel Level C C
Fuel Filter R R
Hydraulic Oil C CC CCR
**Hydraulic Oil Filter R R
Hydraulic System for Leaks and Loose Parts C C C C C C
Battery Electrolyte Level C C C C C
Clean Battery Terminals C C
† Torque Lug Nuts C C C
Lubricate C C C C C
Lubricate Splines on Hydrostatic Pump Every 500 hours