
Bypassing effect automation
For plug-in chains that include effect automation using envelopes, you can bypass automation by clicking the Bypass FX Automation
button ( ) on the Audio Plug-In window. This does not remove any effect automation envelopes from the track, but rather
temporarily bypasses processing of the effect automation. You can toggle this button on and off to hear the difference between the
plug-in chain as a standard (non-automated) effect versus an automated effect.
Removing plug-ins from chains
Click the Track FX button ( ). The Audio Plug-In window appears.
Right-click the plug-in and choose Remove from the shortcut menu, or click the Remove Selected Plug-In button ( ).
Click the Close button ( ) to close the Audio Plug-In window.
To remove all plug-ins in a chain, right-click the Track FX button ( ) and choose Delete All.
Removing or bypassing all effects on tracks
You can clear a track of all effects by right-clicking the Track FX button ( ) and choosing Delete All from the shortcut menu.
You can bypass all of a track’s effects without removing them by right-clicking the Track FX button ( ) and choosing Bypass All from
the shortcut menu. To apply them again, right-click the Track FX button ( ) and choose Enable All from the shortcut menu.
Routing tracks to an assignable effects chain
Routing tracks to an assignable effects chain allows you to assign multiple tracks to a plug-in chain.
In order to route tracks to an assignable effects chain, you must first add an assignable effects chain to your project. For more
information, see The Mixing Console toolbar on page 151.
Click the label on the multipurpose slider label and choose the desired assignable effects chain from the submenu. The label
changes to reflect the name of the assignable effects.
If you can’t see the multipurpose slider, drag the bottom edge of the track header to increase its height.
Drag the fader to adjust the level of the track sent to the assignable effects chain.
If you set the Dry Out faders in your effects chain to -inf, you can adjust the wet/dry balance using the Volume and FX settings on
the multipurpose slider: Volume will adjust the dry signal and FX will control the effect signals.
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