Setting the automation recording mode for a track
Select the Automation Settings button in the track header.
Click the Automation Settings button and choose a command from the menu to choose the automation mode.
Mode Track Icon Description
Off Automated parameters are ignored during playback.
When you switch to Off mode, the control setting from the cursor position is
used as a static setting, and the envelope/keyframe is dimmed to indicate that
it is unavailable.
Read The envelope/keyframe value is applied during playback, and the control
reflects the envelope/keyframe settings at the cursor position.
Adjustments to the control are not recorded.
Automation Write (Touch) The envelope/keyframe value is applied during playback, and the control
follows the envelope/keyframe settings during playback and when you
position the cursor.
Envelope points or keyframes are created only while a control is being
adjusted. When you stop adjusting the control, automation recording stops
and the existing envelope points/keyframes are unaffected.
Automation Write (Latch) The envelope/keyframe value is applied during playback, and the control
follows the envelope/keyframe settings during playback and when you
position the cursor.
Envelope points or keyframes are created when you change a control setting,
and recording continues until you stop playback. When you stop adjusting the
control, the control's last setting overwrites the existing envelope points/