Transport bar
Loop boxes
Previewing MIDI
You can preview individual events or the MIDI file as a whole within the list editor.
To control volume during playback in the list editor, drag the Preview fader in the Mixing Console window.
Previewing single events
When monitoring is enabled, the list editor will play events when you select them.
In the list editor, click the Monitor button ( ) to turn on the event monitor.
Click anywhere in an event row to play the event.
Playing MIDI files
In list editor, you may play your MIDI file by using the buttons on the transport bar:
Item Icon Description
Loop Playback Click to toggle looped playback mode. When the button is selected, only the events between
the mark in and mark out points will be played.
Play from Start Plays the entire MIDI file from the beginning, regardless of cursor position.
Play Plays from the current cursor position.
Pause Halts playback. The next time you click Play, playback will begin with the last event played.
Stop Halts playback. The next time you click Play, playback will begin with the first event in the list.
Go to Start Moves the cursor to the beginning of the list.
Go to End Moves the cursor to the end of the list.