Using the Folders tab
Item Description
Default project folder This box displays the path to the folder that will be used for creating new projects.
Click the Browse button to choose a different folder.
Use a single default folder for Select this radio button if you want to save all project media in a single folder.
project media saves
Use separate defaults for each type Select this radio button if you want to choose where to save each type of project
of project media save media.
The following boxes display the location where each type of media file will be
Record This box displays the path to the folder that will be used when
you record new audio or MIDI tracks. Click the Browse button to
choose a different folder.
The folder you specify here is used by default for new projects,
but if you want to choose a project-specific recorded files folder,
you can use the Recorded files folder box on the Audio tab of
the Project Properties dialog.
Extract from CD This box displays the path to the folder that will be used for
tracks that you extract from audio CDs. Click the Browse button
to choose a different folder.
Render project This box displays the path to the folder that will be used when
you render your project. Click the Browse button to choose a
different folder.
Render to new This box displays the path to the folder that will be used when
you render to a new track. Click the Browse button to choose a
different folder.
Chop to new This box displays the path to the folder that will be used when
you create new tracks with the Chopper window. Click the
Browse button to choose a different folder.
New MIDI This box displays the path to the folder that will be used when
you export MIDI. Click the Browse button to choose a different
MIDI files are not created when you record MIDI or create new
MIDI clips. MIDI data for clips is stored within the ACID project.
Default groove folder This box displays the path to the folder where default grooves for new ACID
projects are saved. Click the Browse button to choose a different folder.
This folder is also used as the default location for saving exported grooves from
the Groove Pool window.
Temporary files folder Displays the folder where temporary files are stored. Click Browse to specify a new
When you add a media file to a project from a removable device, a copy of the
media file is stored in a temporary files folder. This keeps the media file available
for use even if the source of the media is no longer accessible.
Be aware that this folder is cleared when you close the software. However, the
temporary files are not cleared if the software closes inappropriately.
Free storage space in selected
This value displays the amount of space available in the folder specified in the
Temporary files folder box.