
Editing note velocity
Note velocity is represented in the timeline by velocity stems. To show or hide velocity stems in inline MIDI editing mode, choose Show
Inline MIDI Editing from the View menu, and then choose Show Note-On Velocities or Show Note-Off Velocities from the submenu.
Click the Enable Inline MIDI Editing button
Select the Draw tool
If velocity stems aren't already displayed, choose Show Inline MIDI Editing from the View menu, and then choose Show Note-On
Velocities or Show Note-Off Velocities from the submenu.
Press F while inline MIDI editing mode to toggle the display of velocity stems.
Drag the top of the stem (for note-on velocity or for note-off velocity ) up to increase the note's velocity, or drag down to
decrease velocity. If multiple notes are selected, the velocities of all selected notes are adjusted at the same time.
Double-click the top of a velocity stem to set the note's velocity to the default value (64).
Right-click a note and choose Velocity from the shortcut menu. You can then choose a command from the submenu to
set the note-on velocity.
If multiple notes are selected, you can edit the velocities of all selected notes simultaneously.
Processing and filtering MIDI events
From the Edit menu, choose MIDI Processes and Filters to apply destructive editing to MIDI events on the timeline. You can quantize
data in events, edit velocity values, change the duration of an event, or transpose MIDI data.
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