5.1 Surround Plug-In Pack, 235, 245, 246
5.1 Surround, See Surround
AC-3 Encoder, 235, 245, 246
Add channels panning model, 113, 241
Events, 35
Media to projects, 31
MIDI tracks, 187
Video, 231
Adding notes, 196
Adjusting bus send level, 112
Adjusting section length, 67
Adjusting the mix, 41
Adding, 121
Deleting, 121
Moving, 121
Reset beat anchors, 121
Arming tracks to record, 180
ASIO port naming, 259
Assignable effects
Adjusting levels sent from tracks, 112–146
Automation, 139
Volume envelope, 142
Assigning patchmaps, 225
Assigning tracks to busses, 111
Audio Clip Properties window, 115
Audio device preferences tab, 257
Audio effects
Automation, 140
Audio Plug-In window, 23, 108–110
Audio preferences tab, 255
Audio properties tab, 29
Audio signal flow, 25–26
Automatic crossfades, 60
Changing fade types, 61
Creating, 60
Effects, 112–146
Surround panning, 242–245
Automating VSTi parameters, 107, 211
Adding envelope points, 142
Adding volume or pan envelopes, 138
Adjusting volume or pan settings, 138
Assignable effects automation, 139
Bus automation, 139
Drawing envelope points, 143
Editing envelopes, 142
Generic control surfaces, 286
Latch mode, 147
MIDI controller, 141
MIDI program change, 142
Modes, 147
Mute automation, 137
Recording, 147
Showing or hiding controls, 137
Thinning envelope points, 143
Touch mode, 147
Track automation, 137
Track effect automation, 140
Volume or pan, 138
Balance panning model, 113, 241
Beat ruler, 21
Beatmapped clips
Stretching properties, 121
Beatmapped tracks, 34
Stretching properties, 117
Beatmapper wizard, 113
Behringer BCF2000 control surface, 288
Configuring ACID, 289
Overview, 288
Setting up hardware, 288
Bit depth, 29
Burning CDs, 51
Assigning to a track, 111
Bus automation, 139
Adding bus envelopes, 139
Adjusting bus automation levels, 139
Bus tracks, 106
Adding effects, 106
Adding envelopes, 106
Automating VSTi parameters, 107
Monitoring output levels, 107
Muting, 106
Soloing, 106
Adding or deleting, 162
Adjusting levels sent from tracks, 112–146
Assigning tracks to, 19, 111
Automating parameters, 139
Automation, 139
Bus send volume envelopes, 142
Input, 168
Output, 162
Panning, 239
Extracting media, 32