Sun Microsystems J2ME Tool Storage User Manual

Using the Mobile Media API
The Mobile Media API (MMAPI) provides a standard API for rendering and
capturing time-based media, like audio or video. The API was designed to be
flexible with respect to the media formats, protocols, and features supported by
various devices.
8.1 Supported Formats and Protocols
The emulator’s MMAPI implementation supports the following media types:
TABLE 6 Supported MMAPI media formats
MIME Type Description
audio/midi MIDI files
audio/sp-midi Scalable Polyphony MIDI
audio/x-tone-seq MIDP 2.0 tone sequence
audio/x-wav WAV PCM sampled audio
image/gif GIF 89a (animated GIF)
video/mpeg MPEG video
video/vnd.sun.rgb565 Video capture