Sun Microsystems J2ME Tool Storage User Manual

Application Demonstrations
This appendix describes the application demonstrations that are bundled with the
J2ME Wireless Toolkit.
A.1 Overview
The J2ME Wireless Toolkit includes demonstration applications that highlight some
of the technologies and APIs that are supported by the emulator.
The following table lists all the demonstration applications that are included in this
release. The demonstrations that are new or enhanced in this release are marked
The goal of these demonstrations is to give you a glimpse of the API features of the
emulator and the enhancements throughout the toolkit.
Most demonstration applications are simple to run. The next section contains
instructions for running most demonstrations. Demonstrations that have additional
documentation are linked in the table below.
The source code for every demonstration application is available in the
{toolkit}\apps directory. Subdirectories contain projects, and each project has a src
directory that contains Java source code. For example, if the toolkit is installed in