Sun Microsystems J2ME Tool Storage User Manual

66 J2ME Wireless Toolkit User’s Guide October 2004
8.2 Using MediaControlSkin
The J2ME Wireless Toolkit comes with an emulator skin, MediaControlSkin,that
is focused on multimedia playback and control. The skin includes buttons with
symbols representing play, stop, volume up and volume down, and other
commands. To see the usefulness of MediaControlSkin, try it out with the
mmademo demonstration application.
8.3 Media Capture
The J2ME Wireless Toolkit emulator supports audio and video capture. Audio
capture is supported by using the capture capabilities of the system upon which
the emulator runs.
Video capture is supported by simulating a camera input.
See the mmademo example application for details and source code that
demonstrates how to capture audio and video.
8.4 Well-Behaved MIDlets
MIDlets have a life cycle that is defined in the MIDP specification. MIDlets can be
paused by events such as incoming phone calls. A well-behaved MIDlet releases
important device resources when it is paused and reallocates or restarts those
resources when the MIDlet is resumed. In the MMAPI arena, any Players that are
rendering content should be stopped when a MIDlet is paused.
The J2ME Wireless Toolkit will print a message to the console if you pause a
MIDlet and it does not stop its running Players. You can test this feature yourself
using the PausingVideoTest MIDlet in the mmademo demonstration application.
See Appendix for details.
The warning message is printed once only for each running emulator.