Oil Pressure Relief Valve
Oil Pressure Relief Valve Removal
Split the c rankcase (see Crankcase Disassembly in the
Crankshaft/Transmission chapter).
Remove the oil pressure relief valve [A].
Oil Pressure Relief Valve Ins tallation
See crankcase assembly (See Crankshaft/Transmission
Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the threads of oil
pressure relief valve, and tighten it.
Torque - Oil Pressure Relief Valve: 15 N·m (1.5 kgf·m, 11
Oil Pressure Relief Valve Inspection
Remove the relief valve.
Using a wooden stick, push the inner valve to make sure
that the valve [A] moves smoothly and that it returns to its
original position by the force of the spring [B].
The relief valve cannot be disassembled and it must be
inspected in the assembled state.
If the valve movement is not smooth, wash the relief valve
with high-flash point solvent, and use compressed air to
remove any foreign particles from it.
Clean the oil pressure relief valve in a well
-ventilated area, and take care that there is no
spark or flame anywhere near the working area.
Because of the danger of highly flammable liquids,
do not use gasoline or low-flash point solvents.
If the valve does not move smoothly even after washing
it, replace the relief valve. The oil pressure relief valve
is precision made with no allowance for replacement of
individual parts.