Fuel System
Table of Contents
Exploded View................................... 3-2
Specifications .................................... 3-6
Special Tools ..................................... 3-7
Throttle Lever and Cable ................... 3-8
Throttle Lever Free P lay
Inspection.................................. 3-8
Throttle Lever Free P lay
Adjustment ................................ 3-8
Throttle Case
Removal/Disassembly............... 3-8
Throttle Case
Assembly/Installation ................ 3-8
Throttle C able Installation ............ 3-9
Throttle Case Inspection .............. 3-9
Throttle Cable Lubrication and
Inspection.................................. 3-9
Choke Lever and Cable..................... 3-10
Choke Lever Free Play
Inspection.................................. 3-10
Choke Lever Free Play
Adjustment ................................ 3-10
Choke Lever and Cable Removal 3-10
Choke Lever and Cable
Installation ................................. 3-11
Choke Cable Lubrication and
Inspection.................................. 3-11
Carburetor ......................................... 3-12
Idle Speed Inspection .................. 3-12
Idle Speed Adjustment................. 3-12
Pilot Screw Adjustment ................ 3-12
Service Fuel Level Inspection...... 3-12
Service Fuel Level Adjustment .... 3-14
Carburetor Synchronization
Inspection.................................. 3-14
Carburetor Synchronization
Adjustment ................................ 3-15
Fuel System Cleanliness
Inspection.................................. 3-15
Carburetor Removal..................... 3-15
Carburetor Installation.................. 3-17
Carburetor Disassembly .............. 3-17
Carburetor Assembly ................... 3-19
Carburetor S eparation ................. 3-20
Carburetor Joining ....................... 3-20
Carburetor Cleaning..................... 3-21
Carburetor Inspection .................. 3-22
Air Cleaner......................................... 3-24
Air Cleaner Element Removal...... 3-24
Air Cleaner Element Installation... 3-24
Air Cleaner Element Cleaning and
Inspection.................................. 3-24
Air Cleaner Housing Removal...... 3-24
Air Cleaner Housing Installation... 3-26
Fuel Tank........................................... 3-28
Fuel Tank Removal ...................... 3-28
Fuel Tank Installation ................... 3-29
Fuel Tank Cleaning ...................... 3-30
Fuel Tap Removal ........................ 3-30
Fuel Tap Installation ..................... 3-30
Fuel Tap Inspection...................... 3-31
Fuel Tap Cleaning........................ 3-32
Fuel Pump ......................................... 3-33
Fuel Pump Removal .................... 3-33
Fuel Pump Removal .................... 3-33
Fuel Pump Installation ................. 3-34
Fuel Pump Inspection .................. 3-34