Crankshaft/Connection Rod
Crankshaft Removal
Split the crankcase (see Crankcase Disassembly).
Remove the crankshaft [A] from the crankcase using a
Crankshaft Installation
The left shaft [A] of the crankshaft is longer than the right
shaft [B].
Apply engine oil to the both main journals.
Insert the right crankshaft tapered end (the shorter end)
into the right crankcase using a press and two crankshaft
Special Tools - Crankshaft Jig: 57001-1174 × 2
Connecting R od Removal
Remove the crankshaft (see Crankshaft Removal).
Remove the connecting rods [A] from the crankshaft.
Mark and record the locations of the connecting rods
and their big end caps [B] so that they can be installed
in their original positions.
Remove the connecting rod big end nuts, and take off the
rod and cap with the bearing inserts.
Connecting Rod Installation
If the connecting rods, bearing inserts, or crank-
shaft are replaced with new ones, select the bearing
insert and check clearance with a plastigage before
assembling the engine to be sure the correct bear-
ing inserts are installed.
Apply molybdenum disulfide oil:
Inner Surface [A] of Bearing Inserts
Face the “OUT” marks [B] of both c onnecting rods to-
wards the outsides of the crankshaft.
Fit the connecting rod cap so that the grooves [C] of the
cap and connecting rod are on the same side.