1-97August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E1100 Cannot execute in sealing specification.
Occurs when a CLOSE(I), OPEN(I), or RELAX(I) command is executed in a program
and clamp specifications in AUX 0605-1 are set for sealing.
Correct program instructions to match software configuration.
ERROR CODE E1101 Can only execute in sealing specification.
Occurs when a GUNON, GUNOFF, GUNONTIME or GUNOFFTIME command is ex-
ecuted in a program and clamp specifications in AUX 0605-1 are not set for sealing.
Correct program instructions to match software configuration.
ERROR CODE E1102 Option is not set, cannot execute.
A command/instruction is executed for an option that is not installed and/or set up.
An attempt to save/load data to/from a floppy disk is made, but a floppy disk drive is not
installed and/or set up.
Ensure the option is installed and software is set up properly.
To install an option that is not included in the original controller specifications contact
KRI customer service.
ERROR CODE E1103 Over conveyor position
The value of the conveyor axis exceeds the set motion area limit.
Set the conveyor axis value to a value less than the maximum value.
ERROR CODE E1104 Too many SPINMOVE instructions.
This error occurs when the SPINMOVE instruction is used in 17 or more consecutive
Correct the SPINMOVE program instruction to 16 or less consecutive steps in the
program between spin start and spin stop.