1-48 August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE D1531 Heat sink on power block overheated.
Main causes include:
1. Temperature inside the controller above specification because of air inlet or outlet
2. Defective cooling fan.
3. Defective power block.
Ensure air inlet and outlet ports are clear.
Ensure cooling fans are in proper working order.
Replace the power block.
ERROR CODE D2000 No response from Comm. board for laser sensor.
Laser sensor communication board program stopped.
Set robot controller and laser sensor power OFF. Set laser sensor power ON then set
robot controller power ON
ERROR CODE D2001 RI/O or C-NET board initialize error.
Initial data processing between the 1KA and 1FS/1HS boards is not correctly completed
at controller power-up.
Main causes include:
1. Defective 1KA board.
2. Defective 1FS/1HS board.
3. Noise related malfunction.
Ensure the 1KA and 1FS/1HS boards are properly seated into the 1KX/1NX board.
Ensure harnesses are properly connected at the 1KA and 1FS/1HS boards.
Check for noise malfunction and shield integrity.
Replace the 1KA board.
Replace the 1FS/1HS board.