1-60 August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E0103 Location data is not defined.
Main causes include:
1. The location variable for the BASE, TOOL or POINT command is not specified.
Example: “TOOL a” is specified and “a” is not defined.
2. DEST or #DEST function is used and the destination data is not defined.
Ensure all locations used in programs and functions are defined.
ERROR CODE E0104 String variable is not defined.
String variables evaluated by ASC and LEN functions are not defined.
Example: “ASC(“$sample”)” is specified and “$sample” is not defined.
Define the string variables to be evaluated or correct the name of the string variable
used for evaluation.
ERROR CODE E0105 program or label is not defined.
The program name or label associated with an ON or ONI command does not exist.
Define the program or label used with the ON or ONI command.
ERROR CODE E0106 Value is out of range.
The numeric value entered exceeds the upper or lower limits of the acceptable range.
Example: “SPEED 10000” exceeds maximum value of 100.
Enter data that is within acceptable range.
ERROR CODE E0107 No array suffix.
Attempt to process an array variable with undefined suffixes, i.e., attempting to process
A=B[C,D,E], but C, D, E have no values.
Rewrite the program to define the array suffix before attempting to process the array.