1-140 August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E6002 Signal condition already input.
The signal condition is already met when an XDMOVE or XD(2)START move is ex-
ecuted and the signal monitoring starts.
Check input signal timing for the door open detection signal and the monitored sig-
nals, and correct interlock data or program data as necessary
ERROR CODE E6003 Door open detect signal is not dedicated.
During XD(2)START execution, the input signal for door open state is not set as a dedi-
cated input signal.
Set the input signal from the sensor for detecting door open/close state as a dedi-
cated input signal.
ERROR CODE E6004 Location data was not detected.
An attempt to acquire compensation value from the door open state sensor is made, but
the pose data that incorporates the compensation value could not be acquired because
the door detecting instruction was not executed.
Check the program data and add XDMOVE or XD(2)START before executing XDGET
ERROR CODE E6006 Signal not detected.
Main causes include:
1. As the robot moves the specified distance per XDMOVE or XD(2)START with sensing
enabled, the monitored signal condition is not met.
2. Signal condition is not met within the time specified by DIN_WAIT instruction.
Check the timing of the door open detection input signal and the signals monitored by
XDMOVE or XD(2)START, and correct the interlock data or program data as neces-