1-87August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E1054 Cannot execute motion instruction.
Main causes include:
1. A motion instruction is executed for the slave robot during cooperative motion.
2. A motion instruction is executed in soft absorber mode (from SASTART to SAEND).
Correct the slave robot program. Only non-motion instructions can be used for the
slave robot in the cooperative motion program.
Do not use program motion instructions while in soft absorber mode. Only motion
instructions specific to the soft absorber function can be used in soft absorber mode.
ERROR CODE E1055 Start point position error for circle.
The robot is stopped after it began executing a circular motion and moved 4 mm or more
away from its calculated path (jogging or brake slippage, etc.). Attempting to continue
execution of the path from this position results in this error.
Move the robot closer to the calculated path or restart the program a step prior to the
circular path.
ERROR CODE E1056 MASTER robot already exists.
This error occurs when MASTER instructions are executed for both robots during coop-
erative motion.
One robot must be configured as the MASTER robot and the other robot must be
configured as the SLAVE robot.
ERROR CODE E1057 Check to which robot MASTER/ALONE were instructed.
This error occurs when a robot other than the MASTER robot executes the ALONE,
MJMOVE, or MLMOVE instructions.
Make program corrections as required.