1-132 August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E5010 Servo weld gun mechanical parameter is not set.
(Servo spot weld gun only)
A new gun is connected and the mechanical parameters are not defined in AUX 1021.
Define the parameters in AUX 1021.
ERROR CODE E5011 This clamp number already set for servo weld gun axis.
(Servo spot weld gun only)
This error occurs when a servo spot weld gun number is duplicated using the ZAXIS AS
Language command or AUX 2002.
Ensure the servo spot weld gun numbers are not duplicated using the ZAXIS AS
Language command or AUX 2002.
ERROR CODE E5012 Cannot change the gun because offset data is abnormal.
The encoder offset data set for the gun is different at time of gun change.
Ensure encoder offset data for all guns is the same.
ERROR CODE E5013 Cannot change multiple guns at the same step.
(Servo spot weld gun only)
The operator is attempting to execute a step with more than one gun change.
Edit the program so that there is only one gun change per step.
ERROR CODE E5014 Gun is connected other.
The tool changer is attempting to connect to a gun that is already connected to another
axis tool changer or is missing.
Select a different gun or disconnect the gun from the other tool changer.